Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Field Trip(again)

I write a post with the same name with a much shorter temper. Remember that post that I said I thought it was going to be good? Well, its not. We spent an hour getting there after being stuck in traffic, another forty five minutes to get permission for entry. It was 11:45 then. That was the time we were supposed to reach school. Once we entered, it was even worse.
Together with non-listening all-talking classmates, a tour guide who could only speak Marathi, a teacher who took pictures of everything, and another teacher who flattered the staff, it was my WORST experience ever. We met a guy who talked about mushrooms. The information was fine. But he seemed angry all the time. We reached school five minutes before the buses left. Cheers. The height of the day has got to be coming home.
Just a warning. If you want to go anywhere, don't go to the College of Agriculture, near Pune University. and if your school wants to take you there, stay absent on that day.


  1. I really hated that field trip.. I mean, who under the sky would want to know about mushrooms??
    PS: I like them in my omelet, though...:)
