Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well, after helping me get a millenia of views, it is only right that I attack you with anothe rpuzzle: however, not the normal type. This time, you have to find the 20 errors in this letter: be it in facts or grammar, or unneeded sentences. Good Luck!

60070 Alameda Rd.
Denver, Colorado

Dear Max,
            How do you do? What are you doing at your school? California is amazing with a lot of aquariums, theme parks, and museums. All of the fourth grade classes in our school, Garden Gate Elementary, went to a world-famous aquarium called the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The aquarium is famous for being the first aquarium in the world to capture a great white shark, and keep it in their aquarium. Last time I went there, which was in the summer, I actually saw a cartilaginous fish, the great white shark, and its relative, the manta ray, which is also a very dangerous fish. There were huge glass tanks of water, filled with marine animals. If you could come here, I would show you the amazing beauty of Monterey Bay Aquarium.  There are also shining, cute, and furry sea otters. On top there are waddling penguins on ice, getting ready to impress the curious children who are watching. Outside there are napping seals resting on moistened rocks. There is a chance you can see swimming whales. If you could come here, I would show you the amazing beauty of Monterey Bay Aquarium.
            Have you been to Raging Waters? It is like the coolest theme park you can go to in your life. It is all filled with swimming water. There are water monkey bars and a lot of swimming. There are a lot of buckets that pour on your head. You can swim deep because the water is pretty deep. There is a whole bunch of activities to do in the park. One place is a fake pirate ship. Once you walk in, a huge bucket that can probably hold ten gallons fills up and pours it on your head. In other places there are mini-waterfalls. You have to get through the waterfall to get into the area behind it. Some waterfalls are pounding hard and some waterfalls are dropping gently.