Sunday, February 19, 2012

Calligrams and Acoustics

Recently, in English, we did Calligrams. You probably know them, just not by name. A calligram is a piece of literature that takes the shape of whatever it is describing. To the left is one of my firsts, and A+ one. Suffice to say, I do not have a talent for calligrams, and probably never will. To get some good ones, beg my friend Arnav Dasgupta for his slightly over-patriotic one about India.
Never the less, this is something you could try for sure.
Another thing we tried was Acoustic Poems. You'll know about them for sure. Its when you take a word, and use each letter to write another word or sentence. For example:

M - Motherly,
O - Organized, but
M -  Mean (no offense Mom)

But that's just the basic idea. These Poems can be written in two ways: Positive and Negative. For example, lets take my name:
S - Stupid
R - Retarded
I - Idiotic
K - Krazy (wrong spelling, I know, but it was all I could come up with)
A - Arrogant
R - Rascal.

I hope you guessed that that was negative. Now for positive:
S - Smart
R - Radical
I - Intelligent
K - King of Geniuses? ( How does that sound?)
A - Awesome
R - Respect - Getting.

You see?

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