Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Letter From the Editor of the Times of India

I agree with his description of our President....

Must Read! Very Powerfully Worded. Bravo - Prakash Bajaj, Editor of
Times of India.


I am born and brought up in Mumbai for last fifty eight years. Believe
me, corruption in Maharashtra is worse than that in Bihar . Look at
all the politicians, Sharad Pawar, Chagan Bhujbal, Narayan Rane, Bal
Thackray , Gopinath Munde, Raj Thackray, Vilasrao Deshmukh all are
rolling in money. Vilasrao Deshmukh is one of the worst Chief
ministers I have seen. His only business is to increase the FSI every
other day, make money and send it to Delhi , so Congress can fight
next election. Now the clown has found new way and will increase FSI
for fishermen, so they can build concrete houses right on sea shore.
Next time terrorists can comfortably live in those houses, enjoy the
beauty of the sea and then attack our Mumbai at their will.

Monday, August 29, 2011


The blast of the Air Conditioner in the train hit me with full force as I slowly pushed open the door. Men and women sat on either side of me, frowning slightly and looking grim as they stared at me, seeming to scrutinize every last detail of my face.
                26….27….28…..ah! Here it is! 29! I leaped onto my seat with a strange, childish delight and attempted to make myself comfortable on the cold blue seat.
                “Good to see you too, John,” a voice whispered to my left. How could someone have come and sat next to me without me noticing? I turned my head in surprise to the sound of the voice. Next to me sat a young boy, in his early teens, smiling a brilliant smile and one that immediately propagated the idea that he had absolutely no troubles at all.
                ‘H-h-how do you know my name?” I asked nervously, hoping that my face wasn’t too pale.

Children for the Environment

Hey Guys,
i've joined this organization CFE that helps the environment. Heres a bit about it...
You've learned about it. You know everything about it. You know how you can help. You know it will make a difference.
Endless videos. Articles. Discussions. Ideas. Motivation. All of the hard work put in by activists around the world is put to waste if you don't take a stand. Show others that they are wrong. Show others how to save the very planet we are depleting everyday. Show the others that nobody cares: not the politicians, not the businessmen, not the builders.

The Brothers (Based on a True Event)

The steady beat of the train had barely appeared to be settles when an ear-splitting squeal pierced the air. Passengers around and in front of me shut their ears in disgust as our train screeched to yet another halt. The third in ten minutes.
                It was typical of India. Those who pay more get direct train services. Those who pay less- well, an hour trip would be turned into a four hour one. Yawning slightly, I paid a slight glance at the sign dictating, in its usual and orderly fashion, the name of our stop: Rajnagadi. An icy claw of fear plunged into my heart. Perspiring and pale, I sat up straight and looked at the sign once again.
                Rajnagadi was the sight of one of India’s most disastrous cases, one that had left all of our agencies clueless and prey less. The Oil Mafia had struck back, on the 23rd of September, 2008. A young boy, Mulan Gaekwad, had been on his way to the local vegetable store when he spotted his brother, Popat Gaekwad, setting fire to an oil tanker. Rushing over, he asked Popat what he was doing and why he was doing it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Classical of Modern??

This is kind of like a poll. Watch both the music videos below and comment saying which one you liked more.
So what are you? tell me!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our National Emblem

I gazed up at those four lions, those wonderful creations brought to life by the work of excellent craftsman, and the entire force of awe and admiration exploded within my soul, reminding me with a jolt the importance and integrity of our very own national emblem.
                An incredible amount of insight would have been required to construct such a monument. Each miniscule detail appears to serve a greater purpose and each carving is made life-like and enchanting. Four Asiatic lions, placed with such painstakingly precision to create a beautifully shaped, delicately carved capital where only three heads could be visible from any angle, save from above. An intricate bull and horse, separated by a chakra, are depicted as running around the circular base of this monument.
                Many scrutinize the Lion Capital from all directions possible, yet fail to realize the true meaning of this mystical monument. The Great King Ashoka built this not only to commemorate the foundation of the Buddhist Sangha and the first preaching by Buddha himself, but also to remind us of the importance of believing in our moral duties and qualities. Each object formed in this incredible emblem explains to us the important qualities an ideal human being should have.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Greatest Debate on Earth: Part 4 - Conclusion

Part 4: Conclusion
          Among the most intriguing ideas about God that I have ever read was written in a brilliant book, Clay, by David Almond. In this novel, Davie (the protagonist) befriends a quiet boy (Stephen Rose) who has the strange, even seemingly sinister habit of making lifelike clay models. Stephen believes that God “realized that the humans were vile” and attempted to “put out the accursed kind forever.” However, time and time again, God proved to be far too “soft-hearted”, and protected at least two individuals, like Noah. Finally, when the U.S.A. bombed Hiroshima in 1945, He “gave up” and left. Naturally, for such an idea, Stephen was hated.
                His arguments, however, are unnervingly close to that of the Evolutionists. Have you ever seen God? Heard Him? Has He ever answered your prayers? How can you believe in Him?
                Such is the impact of this war on literature.
                Schools over the world that previously had banned the involvement of evolution in any study, are now permitting it in the face of the overwhelming evidence that science has presented. Scientists who once scathingly criticized Evolution are now accepting it as the true formation of humans on Earth.
                Almost every non-fiction book a child reads contains a strong belief in Evolution, not written, but show subtly.
                The world is changing. Evolution is being widely accepted. The foundations of Creationism are slipping. People are beginning to think that we, human beings, have believed in a non-existent, all-powerful being for so long, just because of a lie.
                Can it be possible? Can such a complex question be solved by such a simple solution?
                No. It cannot.
                Another solution to this sophisticated problem would be saying that Evolution is non-existent. That all the proof brought forward by the scientists is bogus.
                Yet this also is not the answer.
                We, the people of Earth, the only planet known to contain life, must unite. We cannot believe in silly ideas. We must firmly believe that One cannot exists without the Other. What instigated evolution? God. What created life? Evolution.
                An answer lies before our very eyes, yet we fail to recognize it and proceed to “Make a mountain out of a molehill.” Centuries have passed; is it not our duty to understand both sides, to behave more intelligently than those who condemned evolution? Who ridiculed Darwin? But it is also our duty to tell those die-hard Evolutionists that what they are doing is wrong. Creationism is not fake. Evolutionism is not fake. It is about time that we stood up and looked the problem straight in the eye.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Greatest Debate on Earth: Part 3 - Co-Existence

Part 3: Co-Existence

                I once wrote in an essay:

                “Centuries later [after Darwin published On the Origin of Species], we still find ourselves in a state of confusion; we know not whether we should side with the supernatural being and creationism; nor do we know if we should remove ourselves of this faith and side by science, which continually experiments and, after years of work, attempts to release the light of truth that God conceals.
             How can we ignore the unstoppable evidence that science throws before us, when all we have is a religious book that does not explain many mysteries of Earth? How can we delude ourselves by believing the earth is barely 10,000 years old when authentic proof shows the reign of the dinosaurs collapsed under a mass extinction 65 million years ago? This is the state of the human beings: unwilling to believe and unwilling not to believe. This is what has been causing confusion; our denial to both sides."

                I’m afraid that at the time I had written the essay, I was almost entirely pro-evolutionist, and I apologize for any confusion it may have caused. However, the main underlying point of my writing remains the same: the indecision of the common man on whether he should remain devoted to his respective deity, or support the increasingly powerful motivated scientists.

                Many adults across the world, when confronted with the question of if they believe in Evolution or God, attempt to sidetrack such a demanding query and reply that they believe in God, but say that He did not create life. I do not condemn such people for their inability to make a clear choice; I often find myself in such doubt.

                However, once again, the question of if both God and Evolution can exist simultaneously can no doubt be rising to the mind of a reader. This question has been pondered upon by many great thinkers; in this essay, I merely mention certain events that I found both important and intriguing.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Greatest Debate on Earth: Part 2 - Creationism

Part 2: Creationism
                Darwin’s moderated theory of evolution was highly criticized, although he specifically avoided the topic of questioning God’s true existence. Although On the Origin of Species provided an abundance of information to form the backbone of this theory, many people refused to believe such a blasphemy. Darwin’s name was cursed and insulted upon. It seemed that his father’s worries were well-found; Charles had shattered the family prestige.
                Humans especially found it to be difficult to conform to the idea that they shared the same ancient lineage as apes or monkeys. Many believed themselves to be “God’s Chosen Race” and thought that all animals were lower classes than themselves. Darwin’s suggestion that humans and apes shared a common ancestor sparked an immense controversy; a controversy that remains intact till this day:
                The Creation-Evolution Controversy.
                As acclaimed evolutionary biologist and writer Richard Dawkins said, “Evolution rests upon a fragile thread. If one discovered a mammal fossil that dates back to the Cambrian era, the thread would be snapped and evolution would collapse.” It seems irrational to believe that there is no God, a being worshipped since ancient times. It could not have been possible for a single man to create a myth about a great man who is all powerful and knows all that happens.