Friday, March 4, 2011

Lets Break the Numbers

Have you often seen yourself faced with odds against you? Well, a show called "Million 2 One" showed me that the odds are not always right. Take for example:
What do you think the odds that:
The Universe began with a big bang,
Formed the milky Way Galaxy,
Formed the solar System,
kept earth in the perfect position for life,
Made life possible through comets,
allowed life to grow,
and make humans

Well, if we didn't know better, we would say it wasn't possible.


I don't know about your school, but in my school, the teachers make humorous mistakes.
I'll give you some examples.....

"You see children, in the late 1700s, a strong disease was going on. It caused people to be covered in boils and it could even kill them."
I knew what it was. Smallpox. However, my teacher thought differently:
"This disease was called CHICKENPOX. It was an epidemic in its time," she said. "Nowadays it is just a small disease," she added.
I knew that the disease was smallpox. Everyone did. I had read about Dr. Edward Jenner and his discovery of vaccines through Mary the Milkmaid. It was general knowledge that it was smallpox, not the much more weak chicken pox.
I raised by hand.
"Ma'am, isn't it smallpox?"
"Of course its not. Its chickenpox, I'm sure of it."
We found out on the internet that it actually was smallpox. Sometimes us students can be smarter than teachers.


So what puzzle has the amazing Srikar thought of now?
Just think about it for a few seconds. What is the most IN thing in the Indian sub-continent?
So here goes:
What was the lowest score ever in a World Cup?
In which year did it happen?
Which team hit it?
Which team was taken out by New Zealand this Cup in less than 10 overs?
What was the major upset so far?
Who got a hat trick recently?
What team is currently the favourite?
Chris Gayle is from which team?

OK, I don't watch cricket either, but those were all from the newspaper.
Good Luck!