Monday, September 26, 2011

Going Wrong

Loads of stuff go wrong everyday. You're computer crashes, it shuts down when you're typing an essay (and you never saved the essay), etc. But loads of stuff have happened to me.
One time, when I double clicked on the Google Chrome icon on my BumpTop (we'll talk about that later) apparently it flipped out.
Cause it opened a whopping 97 times.
My computer crashed before I could take a screen clipping. Restarting my computer, I tried  my luck by clicking it again.
 And it worked like a charm.
Another 61 windows opened. Here's the clip:

Crazy,isn't it? I even made a buzz post on it:

My computer would continually crash and freeze before, when I was posting. Writing a post would take ten minutes, and putting a picture would take half an hour with all that patient waiting for the browser to respond. Apparently blogger can take more of a weightage now, since it hasn't crashed in a long time.
Angry memories, anyone? Share them below!


Come 29th or 30th, I'm going to start blogging like crazy. You'll see book reviews, game reviews, movie reviews........what to look for, what not to, personal opinions about everything...........a whole lots coming up. I would suggest you stay tuned for more!!!!
P.S. I'm also going to be discussing new upcoming game consoles (Wii U) and certain specifications we can figure out by ourselves.
This place is about to get loads more perasonalized.
P.S.S. Want some jokes? Well, I can't give you those, But if you want to hear your favorite songs remade with silly themes, go to Harshit Jain's blog:
If you want some intelligent thinking, try out Ravi's blog: I don't blame you if you get stumped. Ill give you guys some more interesting blogs that you might want to try. Oh, yeah, here's my friends blog where he puts all his writing: We made a competition to see who could get more views and I'm currently beating him buy over a thousand views, although he created his blog a year before mine! :D


So everything was going along fine, apart from the exams going on, a irritatingly long Physics exam, and the fact that I was eye droopingly spleepy, when I heard a fifth grader say one of her friends had brought her cellphone to class.
Let me focus on that.
Cell Phone.
Fifth grader.
Does that even make sense?
I know a tenth grader (Ram) who doesn't have a cellphone.
Oh, Yeah!
Why would a fifth grader need one?
Personally, I'm in eighth grade, and I don't even want a cellphone, let alone have one. I wouldn't take a cellphone unless it was on offer with a free Xbox 360 with Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary edition, Halo 3, Halo Reach, Halo 2, Transfromers War for Cybertron, and NFS Hot Pursuit. Plus three controllers. And a Wii U. Maybe a PS3 to top it off.
I wouldn't even buy an iPhone 5 for $2, not even for the apps (even though thats probably because my family already has an iPod touch. And I didn't ask for it, either. we got it as a gift.).
You see, I don't see the reason why I would need a cell when my mom, my bro, and my dad all have them. I would only use it for gaming, anyway.
Anyone, even in my M Prakash (Pakku) class asks me immediately "What phone do you have?" They all have expensive phones like the Samsung wave (Rs. 34,000) or the Star Next (Rs. 24,000). When I say that I don't have one, they say, "So you're parents don't let you or what?" And when I say that I don't want one, there are varied replies:
1) "Yeah, right. Stop lying." And they stand there waiting for me to say that it was a big joke.
2) "Why? Are you mad?" And they stand there, waiting for me to explain my mental disease.
3) "No way." And they act like I dropped a bombshell, before walking away to talk with someone else.
I'm lucky enough not to freak someone out of their wits with my logic.
You tell me. Should fifth graders have phones? Should eight graders have iPhones or BlackBerries? Comment!

Let me go through that order again......