Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Carol Remakes

With Christmas Carols and their cheap remakes ringing in the air, it only seems right that I write a post on Christmas too. With St. Nick getting more funny cartoons about him than ever(see bottom of post) I think I should tell you some of the remakes of our favorite songs, starting with Jingle Bells:
Jingle Bells, Batman smells,
Robin laid an egg,
Batmobile lost its wheel and crashed into a sled. HEY!
Jingle Bells, Batman smells,
Robin laid an egg,
Batmobile lost its wheel and crashed into a sled. HEY!
Batmobile lost its wheel,
and crashed into a sled, 
it went a flying through the air and fell on (place name here)'s head!
That was one I made up. The place name here means that you can keep anyone's name there(I usually stick with joker.).
Here's another:
Jingle Bells, Batman smells,
Robin laid an egg,
Batmobile lost its wheel and crashed into a sled. HEY!
Jingle Bells, Batman smells,
Robin laid an egg,
Batmobile lost its wheel and crashed into a sled. HEY!
Robin's on the bed,
Batman's in the hall,
Joker's in the bathroom,
Peeing on the wall!
Courtesy Neel and Nikhil Kapse.
And finally:
Dashing through the sand,
with the the bombs stuck on my back,
I had a nasty plan,
For Christmas in Iraq!
I made it through Checkpoint A,
But not through Checkpoint B, 
That's when I got shot in the back, 
By the US Military!

Oh, Jingle Bombs, Jingle Bombs,
Mine went off you see.....
(I don't know the rest.)
Courtesy Arnav, VEeR, and Kush.
In fact, I was so influenced by our school party we had yesterday, that I wrote a poem on Christmas:
Far away, atop a snowy hill,
Lied the famous town of Santaville.
On the night of Christmas eve,
As each child muttered his plea, 
When the town was lit by Christmas cheer,
Santa flew in with his reindeer.

In the house known as the Happy Yeep,
Three children lay deep in sleep,
While Santa climbed down the chimney,
with just a little more speed than a shimmy.

And he smiled upon those sleeping children,
as if they were his own beloved brethren.
With a friendly twinkle in his eye,
he looked as if about to cry.

Then he reached down into his burlap sack, 
With presents and goodies it was packed,
looked carefully at three, then pulled them out,
The perfect gifts: It wouldn't let them pout.

At last, a bite of a cookie, 
a drink of a smoothie,
To no one, a little doff,
and into the sky, he was off!

To help fight fears,
To help stop tears, 
these noble causes that Santa's for,
Makes the happiness inside us pour.

I've even tried sending a Holiday Laugh e-mail, but for some reason the images just aren't coming. Take a final laugh by looking below: