Wednesday, January 19, 2011


It's funny, isn't it. I posted the "Four Centennial" when there were 400 views, and now I'm posting this when it just passed 500 views.
Anyways, congratulations to R! R was the only person who answered my puzzle. R also got the correct answer! Well, here's the entire thing:
The most common letter. -E
Take out the "D" in a three letter word and get a close pronunciation.-N(AND)
Together with the letter before it, it is a ray.-V(UV)
A word and letter.-I
Can be pronounced with an entire word.-R(ARE)
The twenty fifth letter in this puzzle.-O
Ξ is the counterpart for the letter. It is from a  European language.-N(THE LETTER IS FROM GREEK)
The letter before a letter consisting of three lines.-M
The first letter in a bird of prey.-E(EAGLE)
A "V" with an extra line.-N
Three fourths of the 16th last letter of the alphabet.-T

The first letter in a word for a place where we store money.-S(SAFE)
The second most common letter.-A
With an "r" at the end of it, it makes the name of a Hindi movie.-V(VEER)
It may have a dot, maybe not.-I(i,I)
It came twice already.-N
Same pronunciation as the first word in a phrase that is:"used to express mild surprise, amazement, or enthusiasm."-G(GEE WHIZ!)

Informal way of calling someone.-A
Can be written with straight or curved lines.-W
First letter in a homogenous mixture we feel all the time.-A(AIR)
First letter in a word given to people who drive fast.-R(RACERS)
The first letter in Einstein's most famous equation.-E(E=MC2)
The first letter in the name of a country, that has, obviously, been found recently; or so the name implies.-N(NEWFOUNDLAND)
First letter,Second word of a committee that talks about eggs.-E(NECC=NATIONAL EGG COORDINATION COMMITTEE)
The last letter in a snake's onomatopoeia.-S(HISS)
The First letter of a board game in India. In America, this fist word is replaced by "Chutes."-S(SNAKES AND LADDERS)
Once again, congratulations to R for guessing correctly "Environment Saving Awareness." If you wish to help in saving the environment, go to the CFE page. I am a part of it already. My friend, Arnav Dasgupta, has created this group that contains people from India as well as the USA. It was also featured in a DNA Afterhrs article.
By the way, if you are R, you receive the special privilege of telling me a topic I could write a post on. This post will be made next Friday.