Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Field Trip

Our school usually gives us boring field trips that we would be happier without. They seem to have no idea what children enjoy and what they don't. For example, students would prefer a zoo to a one room museum. And the school prefers the museum since it is more cheap. Miserly officials ruin the children's amusement.
Finally, tomorrow we will be taken on a field trip to an Agricultural College. I didn't even know they existed, so it will be interesting. I hope much more than the single room museum.  I hope they grow some veggies there! :)
Still, we cannot ignore the fact that the school chooses destinations that prove to be of no use. Instead of spending money on sporting events like VIVA, we can spend more money and go to the Katraj Snake Park instead. I hope someone reads this and spreads the message!

Writing Tip: Humorous

Alright, we're done and through with Non-Fiction. It's time to have some fun. The thing I appreciate about fiction is the fact that you can do absolutely anything you want, making up creatures or such along the way.
Many people like to be humorous, and this influences their writing. I'm not good at it, bt here's my best example:
"Merlin would have never chosen anyone on the streets to be his disciple. He was known for his vast amount of knowledge and his strict rules, but the things folks really missed out on were his horrible looks, and his terrible memory. Let me describe how he looks: He had HUGE buckteeth that were black from cavities, a result for not brushing for the last millennium or so. In other words, he was HIDEOUS. He even had glasses, and his poor eyesight forced him to buy glasses that covered most of the room. I, however, was able to convince him to get contact lenses, as I was sick of getting smashed into a wall when I entered. I was chosen as people knew I had some sort of magic and demonstrated it in terrible ways. The trick I played on Merlin was stuffing him inside a beautifully decorated bird cage with gold, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and pretty much all other precious gems on it. It was made totally of mana, and of course, whenever Merlin touched the bars, he would get zapped by an electric current. I fainted right after making it as it needed a lot of energy. When I woke up, I saw an old bird with a beard inside a cage that needed to be opened. I opened it, and my reward was a crabby old man swearing at me.
                “You insolent young fool! What do you think you were doing, eh?”"
This is from my story The Warlock of Hertia which you can read at my other blog.
Here's another except:
               "I am quite sure none of you readers have experienced being a lizard trying to fight its way out of a bird’s beak, so you wouldn’t very understand how it is. Very well, I will do my best to explain it to you.
                Pink surrounded me- pink, a revolting pink with the lights and shadows of a throat. I wiggled my tail, and the bird coughed, to reveal I was nearing the top of the tower, hundreds of kilometers from the ground. I suddenly didn’t want to escape.
                The bird halted, seemingly on solid ground. I switched to Phoenix Aspect, ripped open my host’s body, and glimpsed Draken."
And another: "Now the loud sound of a tower crashing down is enough to wake up anyone, even if they are sipping a sundae and reading their favourite book. Draken woke up to see why the birds were chirping in the night and realized that the chirping was actually his tower crashing. His hearing was THAT bad.
                A dragon does not like to see a person and would rather prefer to see them being cooked. But a dragon especially does NOT like to see a person who looks like an old hag after they nearly escape death. For them, well, they should look at a mirror and die of shock. Draken looked like he had gone to an amazing ugly parlour and they had done revolutionarily well. He looked like an old hag multiplied by twenty. If he looked at a mirror, it would kill him and the organisms around him…. looks can kill, in this case."
Hope you got the idea!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


      Yep, everyone's been to Mumbai right? So don't laugh at me when I say i haven't until two weeks ago. That experience was cool and hot at the same time.
By cool, I mean the architectural designs were amazing, especially in CST and Taj Hotel. What i didn't understand was the fact that Shiv Sena had to change the British names. Whats wrong with these? They're a lot shorter.....e.g.
       Victoria Terminus, named after Queen Victoria, became Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus(12 letters longer)
Prince of Wales Museum, named after the Price of Wales who visited the area, became Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Swagrahalya(A whopping 23 letters longer). The museums, especially Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Swagrahalya(under the name they innocently say"Formerly Prince of Wales Museum) were amazing and art galleries equally so, although they had some inappropriate drawings..........
       What I mean by hot is the temperature. It is so hot and sticky there that I felt as if I had finally gone to the underworld. It was November, I'm sure I don't want to go in May.......:) When we came back, my mom rightfully said that the weather here was like heaven compared to Mumbai. But its still worth a visit! 

Friday, November 12, 2010


Before shifting to my new home, basketball was the only sport that I purely loathed. It may have been that i was not good at it, maybe not, but I used to avoid playing it at any cost.After I moved in, I realized that there was only one thing that I hated more than basketball; and that was being lonely. Since practically everyone in the society plays basketball, I was forced to do so too.
It was only after a month or so that I began to appreciate basketball, although I was still horrible at it. As I played, I learned more about the game and its rules, some of which I find most infuriating. Anyways, I grew to kind of like the sport, an I must say it is because of my brother's encouragement when I do well.


An emotion everyone of us has felt is desire. After playing something fun, we desire, or want, to play it again. What I have realized is that one cannot desire something if he/she is not exposed to it. For example, you may not desire to become an MBA if you have not seen the advantages and luxury life you will earn if you do so.  You would not desire a TV had you not been transfixed by it at first sight. You would not desire to see the Olympics if you didn't hear about the amazing opening ceremony and performance of the athletes.
In order to stop desiring something, try to refrain from listening to it/ watching it. Soon, you will forget about it, unless you think about it again.
This is a technique we can all use during our exams.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Flying Chairs

A cyclone hit Andhra Pradesh, on the east side of India, killing eleven people due to heavy rain damages. Weakened, it now turned towards Chennai. However, on the West Side of India, we still feel its effects. In the morning, it's bone chilling cold, tap water feels as if it is frozen, it rains, and, of course, the wind blows hard.
The wind is what I wanted to talk about. at around 9 in the morning it started howling. I was talking to my dad when both of our chairs that we had kept outside literally flew a little bit into the air, before they hit the ground and smashed into the railing. Imagine the embarrassment that would have followed had our chairs fell off. A spectator would see chairs falling from the seventh floor of a building, before hitting the ground. What if the chairs fell in another person's balcony? I would rather not think about it.

19 CRAZY facts on Cats

They may be your everyday pussy, but these felines have a lot more to them than you probably know....
  1. A cat can rotate its ears 180 degrees. Cats can also hear 65,000 vibrations per second; three times more than we and dogs can.  
  2. Cats have the largest eyes compared to their body. They have a reflective layer in their eyes called Tapetum Lucidum, helping them see at dark. 
  3. They have 230 bones in their skeleton, 26 more than us.
  4.  Some cats have been known to jump off 20 story buildings without a fatal injury.
  5.  Only domestic cats can purr.
  6. Cats walk on their tip-toes.
  7. Their sense of smell is 10 times sharper than us.
  8. Cats only meow at humans.
  9. Cats have rough tongues which take out loose hair like a comb.
  10. Cats are left or right pawed, like people.
  11. Cats have 200 hairs per millimeter of their skin. 
  12. Organs inside an ear help it balance. 
  13. A cat can jump five times the length of its tail.
  14. Cat tails have 10% of their total bones in their tail.
  15.   A cat has six senses: the last is the Jacobson’s organ, which separates odors from air.
  16. Close-up objects are blurry to a cat.
  17. Cats have 32 muscles in their ears.
  18. Whiskers help cats “see” close things by giving it information.
  19. Cats have five 5 toes, although it appears they only have four.

Types of Writing

When writing narrative stories, an authors individual style shows up; be it description, action, sarcasm, or stressing on emotions. When writing expository(non-fiction), it is vital that you keep in mind to use large, scientific words. Some use the passive voice rather than the active, but repetition of this can cause the reader to become bored and begin to skim. Below is an example of a science essay on evolution that I wrote:
              "Charles Darwin was a mass contributor during the 19th Century. Gathering together intellects who had a keen interest in biology, Darwin planned a mass journey: one around the world to study plants and animals.               
              As he studied, at first he believed his eyes had deceived him. Was it possible that the same vegetation was found in western Africa and eastern South America? What about fossilized ferns in Antarctica? Surely, these  pieces of a grand jigsaw puzzle could not be mere coincidence. This discovery drove him on till he managed to put the pieces of World History together with the theory of Continental Drift. And through years of strenuous research, he developed the idea of the most controversial scientific fact: evolution. With his book On the Origin of Species,Darwin was ridiculed by the masses, yet most scientists supported him.
             Centuries later, we still find ourselves in a state of confusion; we know not whether we should side with the supernatural being and creationism; nor do we know if we should remove ourselves of this faith and side by science, which continually experiments and, after years of work, attempts to release the light of truth that God conceals.
             How can we ignore the unstoppable evidence that science throws before us, when all we have is an  religious book that does not explain many mysteries of Earth? How can we delude ourselves by believing the earth is barely 10,000 years old when authentic proof shows the reign of the dinosaurs collapsed under a mass extinction 65 million years ago? This is the state of the human beings: unwilling to believe and unwilling not to believe. this is what has been causing confusion; our denial to both sides."

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Bonjour! Namaste! Namaskar! Hello! So many ways to say one simple word. I don't see why. Wouldn't it be better if we had one universal language? Well its true English is universal, but some people don't know it.
To the point. If you've read 'About Me' then you probably don't want to read this. Start with me. I'm an Esp child, or an Extraverted Sensing Perceiving type. Which means I don't like just sitting at home. I need to do something. All right.Lets go fast.
Fav. Movie - Transformers
Fav. Gaming Console - XBOX 360
Gaming Console that I have - Wii
So we're finished. Wait till tomorrow for my next post.