Friday, April 29, 2011


Well, yes, on the last day of school you say "Yahoo!" then you swear that you'll just play all vacation long and you go home and it seems to be working then your mom kicks in and all the fun is gone so you're sitting at your desk like school is going on.
its common. It just happened to me too.
And I know that you guys are probably bored to the bone-so bored that you's give up your Wii to do something thrilling. OK, maybe not your Wii. that's going too far.
Anyway, you get what I mean. So I devised a little word game.
You take a base word, and from two letters from that, create another word that relates to the base word. Now take these two as base word, and repeat. Keep doing it until you are out of ideas. it should look like this.

M Prakash

if any of you are getting bored through these holidays, I want you to know how I survived the first week of these merciless, monotonous, vacations:
Through M Prakash.
You're probably thinking, "What's that?" so I apologize for just stating a name and expecting a reaction.
It's a class that I liked so much that I decided to give them some advertising. They want to reach out to all of the math talent in Pune, and I guess my blog is one of the ways of reaching more people they already have access to. It's like I'm doing my little bit.
Well, M Prakash is an advanced math class that mainly focuses on Geometry. In order to make it in to regular class, you have to attend a "workshop" for 6 days, then answer a 3 hour long descriptive answer type question. That's the catch. But don't worry: M Prakash will give you some much needed relief from utter boredom and I hope that you'll find it much more interesting than what we learn in school since the teaching style is much more interactive than the classic Math style.

The Liberty Puzzle

My brother wrote this story and I thought it was rather good, so I posted it here. Its not finished, though.
A limousine was rolling down the almost empty street towards the White House sometime during midnight, passing a few people who were jogging or taking a leisurely walk at the hour, who halted and saluted. The limousine continued along the smooth driveway up to the White House before being halted at the gate for verification. A man inside flashed a card and the solider at the gate saluted as they continued…
         The next morning, the White House was found in ruins. The President was not in his bed, officials said. There were rumors that the President had been murdered. The man who had come as a visitor was nowhere to be seen. His driver had been taken into custody by the police, who claimed that he was the reason the President and the visitor had disappeared. This case was watched by the people all over the country. Little details were seen clearly and were speculated by many newspapers and shows. The investigation raged on through the night and the next morning. Private detectives were hired throughout the country to find clues. Clues that could solve the mystery…

Friday, April 15, 2011

7 Superb Sentences

Snow White (Remake)

                Snow White’s complexion would differ from your idea when you first heard her name: she had dark skin, black hair, and an overload of dandruff.
                She stared through her window in her room, trying to ignore the infuriating sounds of the credit cards in Monopoly game which her siblings were amusing themselves with.
                “WILL YOU KEEP QUIET??!!!!”She burst out.
                Snow stormed out of the room, went down the escalator, spat on the magic mirror, and left the house. She had ENOUGH of this! She was running away.
                You see, people do quite brainless acts when they are ill-tempered, and Snow was no different.
                She stormed off into the forest and when she found herself lost in it, she met seven dwarves, each of them having a bright red nose that resembled a ripe tomato.
                At those times, ugliness was very IN and actresses were usually deformed. It was this idea of IN that charmed the dwarves enough to make them persuade her to go to their home.

Little Monkey

This was a poem I really enjoyed. Hope you understand it!

1 little monkey
Was goin’ 2 the store
When he saw a banana 3
He’d never climbed be4.
By 5 o’clock that evenin’
He was 6 with stomach ache
‘Cause 7 green bananas
Was what that monkey 8.

By 9 o’clock that evenin’
That monkey was quite ill,
So 10 we called the doctor
Who was 11 on the hill.
The doctor said, “You’re almost dead.
Don’t eat green bananas no more.”
The sick little monkey groaned and said,
“But that’s what I 1-2 the 3-4.”
--Shel Silverstein

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The REAL "A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Hermia sat next to the tree. She had been waiting for Lysander for quite a long time. Oh, I do hope he is not playing his Wii again, she thought miserably. The Wii was the only thing he adored more than her. The golden axe that lay next to her reminded her of the beasts that may be lurking in the shadows, waiting for her to rest before they leapt forward.
                There was a rustle among the leaves, and Hermia’s feelings shot up like a rocket, thinking that her beloved one had finally arrived, but out of the shadows leapt a dark figure, not a fair-skinned handsome one like Lysander. In fact, it was Demetrius who leapt out and broke the stillness of the moment; Demetrius, whose face was blotched with ugly, bubble-shaped warts; Demetrius, who loved her; Demetrius, whom her father had instructed her to marry. Demetrius dragged the fair, young lady off without a word.


More jokes from Google Buzz:

The Perfect Worker

1 Bob Smith, my assistant programmer, can always be found
2 hard at work in his cubicle. Bob works independently, without
3 wasting company time talking to colleagues. Bob never
4 thinks twice about assisting fellow employees, and he always
5 finishes given assignments on time. Often he takes extended
6 measures to complete his work, sometimes skipping coffee
7 breaks. Bob is an individual who has absolutely no
8 vanity in spite of his high accomplishments and profound
9 knowledge in his field. I firmly believe that Bob can be
10 classed as a high-caliber employee, the type which cannot be
11 dispensed with. Consequently, I duly recommend that Bob be
12 promoted to executive management, and a proposal will be
13 executed as soon as possible.


That idiot was standing over my shoulder while I wrote the report
sent to you earlier today. Kindly re-read only the odd numbered
A seaman meets a pirate in a bar. The pirate has a peg-leg, a hook and an eye patch. "How'd you end up with a peg-leg?" asks the sailor. "I was swept overboard in a storm," says the pirate.
"A shark bit off me whole leg."

"Wow!" said the seaman. "What about the hook?"
"We were boarding an enemy ship, battling the other sailors with swords. One of them cut me
"Incredible!" remarked the seaman.

"And the eye patch?"
"A seagull dropping fell in me eye," replied the pirate.
"You lost your eye to a seagull dropping?"
the sailor asked incredulously.
Said the pirate.
"It was the first day with the hook."

The Longest and Worst Joke Ever!!

I got this from a post on google buzz:


So, there’s a man crawling through the desert.

He’d decided to try his SUV in a little bit of cross-country travel, had great fun zooming over the badlands and through the sand, got lost, hit a big rock, and then he couldn’t get it started again. There were no cell phone towers anywhere near, so his cell phone was useless. He had no family, his parents had died a few years before in an auto accident, and his few friends had no idea he was out here.

He stayed with the car for a day or so, but his one bottle of water ran out and he was getting thirsty. He thought maybe he knew the direction back, now that he’d paid attention to the sun and thought he’d figured out which way was north, so he decided to start walking. He figured he only had to go about 30 miles or so and he’d be back to the small town he’d gotten gas in last.

He thinks about walking at night to avoid the heat and sun, but based upon how dark it actually was the night before, and given that he has no flashlight, he’s afraid that he’ll break a leg or step on a rattlesnake. So, he puts on some sun block, puts the rest in his pocket for reapplication later, brings an umbrella he’d had in the back of the SUV with him to give him a little shade, pours the windshield wiper fluid into his water bottle in case he gets that desperate, brings his pocket knife in case he finds a cactus that looks like it might have water in it, and heads out in the direction he thinks is right.

He walks for the entire day. By the end of the day he’s really thirsty. He’s been sweating all day, and his lips are starting to crack. He’s reapplied the sunblock twice, and tried to stay under the umbrella, but he still feels sunburned. The windshield wiper fluid sloshing in the bottle in his pocket

is really getting tempting now. He knows that it’s mainly water and some ethanol and coloring, but he also knows that they add some kind of poison to

it to keep people from drinking it. He wonders what the poison is, and whether the poison would be worse than dying of thirst.

He pushes on, trying to get to that small town before dark.

By the end of the day he starts getting worried. He figures he’s been walking at least 3 miles an hour, according to his watch for over 10 hours. That means that if his estimate was right that he should be close to the town. But he doesn’t recognize any of this. He had to cross a dry creek bed a mile or two back, and he doesn’t remember coming through it in the SUV. He figures that maybe he got his direction off just a little and that the dry creek bed was just off to one side of his path. He tells himself that he’s close, and that after dark he’ll start seeing the town lights over one of these hills, and that’ll be all he needs.

Answer to Millenia

well, I was horribly disappointed with the no response, but i have a feeling that despite you guys decided, thoughtlessly, to ignore this, I still have to write the answer. So here it is:

60070 Alameda Rd.
Denver, Colorado

Dear Max,
            How do you do? What are you doing at your school? California is amazing with a lot of aquariums, theme parks, and museums. All of the fourth grade classes in our school, Garden Gate Elementary, went to a world-famous aquarium called the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The aquarium is famous for being the first aquarium in the world to capture a great white shark, and keep it in their aquarium. Last time I went there, which was in the summer, I actually saw a cartilaginous fish, the great white shark, and its relative, the manta ray, which is also a very dangerous fish. There were huge glass tanks of water, filled with marine animals. If you could come here, I would show you the amazing beauty of Monterey Bay Aquarium.  There are also shining, cute, and furry sea otters. On top there are waddling penguins on ice, getting ready to impress the curious children who are watching. Outside there are napping seals resting on moistened rocks. There is a chance you can see swimming whales. If you could come here, I would show you the amazing beauty of Monterey Bay Aquarium.
            Have you been to Raging Waters? It is like the coolest theme park you can go to in your life. It is all filled with swimming water. There are water monkey bars and a lot of swimming. There are a lot of buckets that pour on your head. You can swim deep because the water is pretty deep. There is a whole bunch of activities to do in the park. One place is a fake pirate ship. Once you walk in, a huge bucket that can probably hold ten gallons fills up and pours it on your head. In other places there are mini-waterfalls. You have to get through the waterfall to get into the area behind it. Some waterfalls are pounding hard and some waterfalls are dropping gently.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well, after helping me get a millenia of views, it is only right that I attack you with anothe rpuzzle: however, not the normal type. This time, you have to find the 20 errors in this letter: be it in facts or grammar, or unneeded sentences. Good Luck!

60070 Alameda Rd.
Denver, Colorado

Dear Max,
            How do you do? What are you doing at your school? California is amazing with a lot of aquariums, theme parks, and museums. All of the fourth grade classes in our school, Garden Gate Elementary, went to a world-famous aquarium called the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The aquarium is famous for being the first aquarium in the world to capture a great white shark, and keep it in their aquarium. Last time I went there, which was in the summer, I actually saw a cartilaginous fish, the great white shark, and its relative, the manta ray, which is also a very dangerous fish. There were huge glass tanks of water, filled with marine animals. If you could come here, I would show you the amazing beauty of Monterey Bay Aquarium.  There are also shining, cute, and furry sea otters. On top there are waddling penguins on ice, getting ready to impress the curious children who are watching. Outside there are napping seals resting on moistened rocks. There is a chance you can see swimming whales. If you could come here, I would show you the amazing beauty of Monterey Bay Aquarium.
            Have you been to Raging Waters? It is like the coolest theme park you can go to in your life. It is all filled with swimming water. There are water monkey bars and a lot of swimming. There are a lot of buckets that pour on your head. You can swim deep because the water is pretty deep. There is a whole bunch of activities to do in the park. One place is a fake pirate ship. Once you walk in, a huge bucket that can probably hold ten gallons fills up and pours it on your head. In other places there are mini-waterfalls. You have to get through the waterfall to get into the area behind it. Some waterfalls are pounding hard and some waterfalls are dropping gently.

Monday, April 4, 2011

More Jokes

 I knew a girl who was so stupid that.......

> she called me to get my phone number.

> she spent 20 minutes looking at the orange juice box because it said concentrate.'

> she put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind.
> she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order.

> she sent me a fax with a stamp on it.
> she tried to drown a fish.

> she thought a quarterback was a refund.

> she got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.
> she tripped over a cordless phone.

> she took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.

> she asked for a price check at the Dollar Store.

> she studied for a blood test.

> she thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats.
> when she heard that 90% of all crimes occur around the home, she moved.

> when she missed the 44 bus, she took the 22 bus twice instead.
> when she took you to the airport and saw a sign that said

> 'Airport Left' she turned around and went home

No Charge for Love


A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the 4 pups. And set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls. He looked down into the eyes of little boy.

"Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."

"Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his neck, "These puppies come from fine parents and c ost a good deal of money."

The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket,
he pulled out a handful of change and held it
up to the farmer.

"I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?"

If a Dog was a Teacher

What would happen if a dog taught us? Well, this is what he would teach us.....

If a dog was the teacher you would learn stuff like: When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. When it's in your best interest, practice obedience. Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
Take naps. Stretch before rising. Run, romp, and play daily.

Awesome Chalk

I'm sure most of us have heard of Julian Beever, the famous chalk artist. I was first introduced to his works through an email sent to me by VEeR on the 14th of March 2009. Here are my favorite of his works given below:
Julian Beever is an English artist who's famous for his anamorphic art on the pavements of England , France , Germany , USA , Australia and Belgium
Beever gives an amazing illusion to his drawings, so that the objects appear to be three dimensional rather than flat as they actually are.

Work in progress
Work completed

Hard to believe that the little boy is standing flat on the pavement!

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Pranking Industry
To annoy you, half the words are in black. :P
On April fools, thousands of children across the world are, in a split second, respected, admired, and hated.
But how did this day come to be/ Lets find out through an article from Wikipedia;
"In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1392), the "Nun's Priest's Tale" is set Syn March bigan thritty dayes and two. Modern scholars believe that there is a copying error in the extant manuscripts and that Chaucer actually wrote, Syn March was gon. Thus the passage originally meant 32 days after March, i.e. May 2, the anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia, which took place in 1381. However, readers apparently misunderstood this line to mean "32nd of March," i.e. 1st April. In Chaucer's tale, the vain cock Chauntecleer is tricked by a fox.

The Fate of Adrien

One day, as I was reading a book, I looked through the window and saw...
Of all things…
A tree.
Well, yes, I guess that’s pretty normal, after all. And, naturally, this tree was good-naturedly ambling towards my window, with its branches outstretched.
With a loud crash it hugged the side of my house, all the time wailing “O Adrien, my dear Adrien, I knew you would become something great when you grew up!” I guess ‘great’ meant the side of my now wrecked villa.
This tree continued wailing, making noises that I attempted to recognize, but failed spectacularly.  As a pastime, I looked closer at the tree. It looked like a sequoia, being rather sentimental, weak in the mind, and, of course, just a bit overweight. This was about the thinnest I had ever seen, and I have seen a lot, considering the fact that they migrate right past Mannville.
Presently, the tree kneeled down and started sobbing. I wouldn’t blame it. The fact that one of its loved ones had been caught during the skyfishing season must have been horrifying. But it wasn’t the fisherman’s fault that the tree decided to fly at that time. It could have just driven a car, you know. No need to show off its flying abilities.


This is a story about World War II.

“Hey Jew! Come here!” a German soldier ordered.
                Colin scratched his grubby skin, his fingernails turning black with the dust and soot. Faintly, hecould hear the screams of terror as German officials mercilessly tossed innocent children into the flames. He lifted himself up and walked out of the tent.
                He was not given any overcoat as he walked into the whirlwind of snow. He knew that if he asked, they would whip him then burn him alive. His lips turned blue, his feet almost black; yet, he continued to walk. Eyes stared at him from their tents, wide with terror and pity. They pitied him for the fact that he was about to be killed; another murder in Hitler’s mindless massacre. But he did not pity himself. Life meant nothing to him-it had become an endless nightmare. He would embrace his death as a gift bestowed on him by God.
                Colin was led to a large chamber-the gas chamber. Detested and feared by all of the Jewish people, it carried the death of thousands of innocents on it. The people would be kept inside, and then the gas would be turned on. It would only be a matter of minutes before they were suffocated to death. It was in front of this accursed place that he was pushed.
                 And, with his own eyes, he could see his own parents sleeping inside.
                The Germans leveled a gun at his head.
                “Turn the gas on, or we shoot.”