Monday, August 1, 2011

The Greatest Debate on Earth: Part 2 - Creationism

Part 2: Creationism
                Darwin’s moderated theory of evolution was highly criticized, although he specifically avoided the topic of questioning God’s true existence. Although On the Origin of Species provided an abundance of information to form the backbone of this theory, many people refused to believe such a blasphemy. Darwin’s name was cursed and insulted upon. It seemed that his father’s worries were well-found; Charles had shattered the family prestige.
                Humans especially found it to be difficult to conform to the idea that they shared the same ancient lineage as apes or monkeys. Many believed themselves to be “God’s Chosen Race” and thought that all animals were lower classes than themselves. Darwin’s suggestion that humans and apes shared a common ancestor sparked an immense controversy; a controversy that remains intact till this day:
                The Creation-Evolution Controversy.
                As acclaimed evolutionary biologist and writer Richard Dawkins said, “Evolution rests upon a fragile thread. If one discovered a mammal fossil that dates back to the Cambrian era, the thread would be snapped and evolution would collapse.” It seems irrational to believe that there is no God, a being worshipped since ancient times. It could not have been possible for a single man to create a myth about a great man who is all powerful and knows all that happens.