Friday, February 25, 2011

Proper Enough?

Once again, I come back to the topic of teachers. And once again, its because I'm annoyed with them.
There's one proper uniform-loving teacher in our school(who yelled at me today) who follows the following procedures:
"Where are your I-Cards?"
"Where are your shoes?"
"Why didn't you cut your hair?"
"Why aren't you wearing two pony tails?"
and finally
"Where are your socks?"
All of the things(shoes, socks) are specialized for the school. I was wearing plain white socks when the teacher took the chance to pounce upon me for this .
"Yes, I know that they allowed white socks until now. But last week, did they or did they not tell you to wear the school socks? Did they?"
I mumbled a yes, then said that I hadn't bought any school socks.
"So what have you been doing all this time? You could have bought them sometime this week, couldn't you?"
As if the parents were going to check our socks. I swear that next they will give us school branded watches, glasses, never know where they're going to stop. They've already given school hats.
The same teacher went on to confiscate Kush's watch, saying it wasn't allowed in school, when it stated clearly on page 11 that you are allowed to wear watches, just not metal, flashy ones.
I really think she enjoys taking children's stuff. She attempted to confiscate Amit's Rubik's Cube last month. She already confiscated a watch of another of my friends. Who knows whats next......confiscating socks? You may not believe me, but last year that same teacher was extremely nice and very good at teaching. It alarmed us to see how much she had changed in one year.
I along with all of my classmates, believe that one should not follow a strict code for uniform, but be able to express oneself through dress code. Our school is supposed to represent the colors of a rainbow, but is more monochromatic.
Ah well. I know you all are going to read this and drop it out of your minds. So farewell till next week.

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