Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Greatest Debate on Earth: Part 4 - Conclusion

Part 4: Conclusion
          Among the most intriguing ideas about God that I have ever read was written in a brilliant book, Clay, by David Almond. In this novel, Davie (the protagonist) befriends a quiet boy (Stephen Rose) who has the strange, even seemingly sinister habit of making lifelike clay models. Stephen believes that God “realized that the humans were vile” and attempted to “put out the accursed kind forever.” However, time and time again, God proved to be far too “soft-hearted”, and protected at least two individuals, like Noah. Finally, when the U.S.A. bombed Hiroshima in 1945, He “gave up” and left. Naturally, for such an idea, Stephen was hated.
                His arguments, however, are unnervingly close to that of the Evolutionists. Have you ever seen God? Heard Him? Has He ever answered your prayers? How can you believe in Him?
                Such is the impact of this war on literature.
                Schools over the world that previously had banned the involvement of evolution in any study, are now permitting it in the face of the overwhelming evidence that science has presented. Scientists who once scathingly criticized Evolution are now accepting it as the true formation of humans on Earth.
                Almost every non-fiction book a child reads contains a strong belief in Evolution, not written, but show subtly.
                The world is changing. Evolution is being widely accepted. The foundations of Creationism are slipping. People are beginning to think that we, human beings, have believed in a non-existent, all-powerful being for so long, just because of a lie.
                Can it be possible? Can such a complex question be solved by such a simple solution?
                No. It cannot.
                Another solution to this sophisticated problem would be saying that Evolution is non-existent. That all the proof brought forward by the scientists is bogus.
                Yet this also is not the answer.
                We, the people of Earth, the only planet known to contain life, must unite. We cannot believe in silly ideas. We must firmly believe that One cannot exists without the Other. What instigated evolution? God. What created life? Evolution.
                An answer lies before our very eyes, yet we fail to recognize it and proceed to “Make a mountain out of a molehill.” Centuries have passed; is it not our duty to understand both sides, to behave more intelligently than those who condemned evolution? Who ridiculed Darwin? But it is also our duty to tell those die-hard Evolutionists that what they are doing is wrong. Creationism is not fake. Evolutionism is not fake. It is about time that we stood up and looked the problem straight in the eye.
                Creationists themselves claim that the Holy Bible was altered many years and has become an, if I may call it, abridged version of God’s own word. We must keep in mind that the Bible never tells us how God created animals. They just say He did. He could have used evolution as his tool.
                If we look closer, we discover a connection between the six days of creation to evolution. First were the sea animals and the birds, which complies with the belief of Evolutionists. Next came the amphibians and reptiles, the first land and water animals. And finally is the land animals.
                This entire belief corresponds with the idea of evolution. So why do we fight over this subject? Men and women across the world believe this is somewhat like Harry Potter and Voldemort: “…and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives…” This is what they think is the condition of the war.
                Yet there remains a glimmer of hope for those beleaguered citizens who are unable to comprehend this battle between God and Not. A special haven where everyone belongs but no one goes. It has been mentioned may times in this conclusive part of my Mega-Essay:
Believing in Both.
                I mention this idea innumerable times within this part itself. I wish to instill upon your minds the significance of believing in both God and Evolution.
                I wish that, the next time I read an article about Evolution, it’s very first line does not say “Evolution is no doubt the most incredible discovery made by scientists, although it is also the most controversial.”
                It should be: “Evolution is no doubt the most incredible discovery made by scientists, its controversy ended when both Evolutionists and Creationists agreed to unite and believe in both God and Evolution."
                Can it actually be so hard for us? To make that final, concluding decision to accept all as our brethren; at least, united in our belief in God and Evolution? Can we afford to stop all misunderstandings and misbeliefs in the view of a better world?
                I think we can.
                It’s up to us, the younger generation to spread the word.
                Spread the word that both Evolution and Creationism are as real as you and I.
                That both exist and this debate should stop.
                And when it does, this essay will seem meaningless. I just hope that it is remembered as a beacon of hope for everyone, and possibly the resolver of the Evolution-Creationism conflict.
                At the ending of this essay that I took time to write, I wish that you would spread the word, and I hope you have learned something.

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