Monday, November 8, 2010

19 CRAZY facts on Cats

They may be your everyday pussy, but these felines have a lot more to them than you probably know....
  1. A cat can rotate its ears 180 degrees. Cats can also hear 65,000 vibrations per second; three times more than we and dogs can.  
  2. Cats have the largest eyes compared to their body. They have a reflective layer in their eyes called Tapetum Lucidum, helping them see at dark. 
  3. They have 230 bones in their skeleton, 26 more than us.
  4.  Some cats have been known to jump off 20 story buildings without a fatal injury.
  5.  Only domestic cats can purr.
  6. Cats walk on their tip-toes.
  7. Their sense of smell is 10 times sharper than us.
  8. Cats only meow at humans.
  9. Cats have rough tongues which take out loose hair like a comb.
  10. Cats are left or right pawed, like people.
  11. Cats have 200 hairs per millimeter of their skin. 
  12. Organs inside an ear help it balance. 
  13. A cat can jump five times the length of its tail.
  14. Cat tails have 10% of their total bones in their tail.
  15.   A cat has six senses: the last is the Jacobson’s organ, which separates odors from air.
  16. Close-up objects are blurry to a cat.
  17. Cats have 32 muscles in their ears.
  18. Whiskers help cats “see” close things by giving it information.
  19. Cats have five 5 toes, although it appears they only have four.

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