Monday, November 8, 2010

Types of Writing

When writing narrative stories, an authors individual style shows up; be it description, action, sarcasm, or stressing on emotions. When writing expository(non-fiction), it is vital that you keep in mind to use large, scientific words. Some use the passive voice rather than the active, but repetition of this can cause the reader to become bored and begin to skim. Below is an example of a science essay on evolution that I wrote:
              "Charles Darwin was a mass contributor during the 19th Century. Gathering together intellects who had a keen interest in biology, Darwin planned a mass journey: one around the world to study plants and animals.               
              As he studied, at first he believed his eyes had deceived him. Was it possible that the same vegetation was found in western Africa and eastern South America? What about fossilized ferns in Antarctica? Surely, these  pieces of a grand jigsaw puzzle could not be mere coincidence. This discovery drove him on till he managed to put the pieces of World History together with the theory of Continental Drift. And through years of strenuous research, he developed the idea of the most controversial scientific fact: evolution. With his book On the Origin of Species,Darwin was ridiculed by the masses, yet most scientists supported him.
             Centuries later, we still find ourselves in a state of confusion; we know not whether we should side with the supernatural being and creationism; nor do we know if we should remove ourselves of this faith and side by science, which continually experiments and, after years of work, attempts to release the light of truth that God conceals.
             How can we ignore the unstoppable evidence that science throws before us, when all we have is an  religious book that does not explain many mysteries of Earth? How can we delude ourselves by believing the earth is barely 10,000 years old when authentic proof shows the reign of the dinosaurs collapsed under a mass extinction 65 million years ago? This is the state of the human beings: unwilling to believe and unwilling not to believe. this is what has been causing confusion; our denial to both sides."

1 comment:

  1. Your post makes people think about their existence and surroundings without merely accepting what they were told to believe!
