Friday, March 25, 2011

The Dying Planet

I am working on a new story, one that illuminates the fact that we are continually polluting the environment. A small part is given below:

  In the raging seas, the erupting volcanoes, the windy blizzards, lived three Element Birds. The last of their race, they each sent out a longing caw to enter a brief reminder of their history...
    There once was a time when enormous groups of these magical beasts lived at three areas: The seas, volcanoes, and the ever-growing mountains. The Sea birds were called Argmieus (the sea's ruler), volcano birds Margitaus (fire's commander), and the mountain birds called Luxmeatrus (Controller of ice). The birds brought jubilee and peace to wherever they went and glowed at all moments.  Breaking the peace and detest for war, abnormal beings erupted from wherever the peaceful and majestic beings had created their habitat. Covered with skin of one of the most beautiful animals called "deer", the two legged warring animals looked angry with sweat beads on their face. Uncovering their glinting pieces, whose tip was shaped like a cone, they hurled them at the glowing majesties and murdered all but one of each Argmieus, Margitaus, and Luxmeatrus.
    Yet again, the war-lover beings came back stealthily, and hit all three majesties under their left shoulder rib, where the main artery pumped all the blood. Feeling weaker and weaker by the second, the glowing beasts laid each a lustrous invisible egg which would only be visible twice every 1000 years ( the second time one month after the first), never guessing that 3000 years later, the eggs would be picked up by the descendants of their assassins themselves when the world would be almost touching the point of its destruction
*                                                            *                                                                 *

A coincidence, 3000 years later, April 5 New York City, NY

    If you inhabited Earth this very moment, the first object your moist eyes would absorb would be seeing the world at its terrible destruction. The world would be overtaken by toxic, Carbon Monoxide, and other poisonous gases. The once beautifully crystal-blue sky would be black, never ending blankets of smoke. Nobody noticed, let alone cared because all they did was ride in their gas-guzzlers. Land fills were erupting up as if they were gigantic mountains. Only three teenagers actually were caring for their dying planet. Every living beast on the planet, and some outside, knew the planet was heading directly to its destruction.
      Constant floods were causing havoc everywhere, a signal for rising waters, and also, there are only six continents, Antarctica thawed to its death five years ago. The water in the great and salty Atlantic Ocean has risen by seven feet since then. Every biotic animal on Earth is longing for the days 3000 years earlier. They met one month and one deer named Gosruct claimed he had seen an egg 1/2 a foot long and it seemed to be glowing brightly.
     "I was running away from that fearsome endangered cat popularly known as 'The Lion.' After approximately six minutes, the old lion turned on its tail and scampered away."
     "While glancing behind my rear end, I stumbled upon a glowing blue egg. Remembering our story of The Blessed Ones and their ability to glow, and bring jubilancy to all, I examined its proportions and it matched our legend."
"I suppose The Lion ran away, not because he was tired, but he had a quick look at the egg, remembered the peaceful times, and remembered the main rule of The Blessed Ones: No violence against large animals if you are a true being."
    Gosruct smiled proudly at his end of the statement, but it quickly vanished as he saw the unbelieving looks on his fellow animals’ faces.
    "You are mad. I don't know why we appointed you as our leader!" erupted from everyone who was listening, save for one of them. This animal spoke:
    "He is not mad. It is reasonable for the majestic, glowing beasts to come to life when the world is skimming its destruction. I have proof too." 
    The former leader lifted up a glowing scarlet egg. He lifted it up to the clouded, poisonous sky. There was a collective gasp when the group saw it, and a little bit of murmuring.
    "Auro, please come up and tell me which noble being will become the upcoming Beast Rider." 
    The unicorn stood up to his legs, and gently came down to the egg. By just touching it with his horn, he felt as if there was more smoke and toxic, meaning the beast rider would be their sworn enemy: The peace breaker, War maker, the warring animal.
    "The future Beast Rider will be The Human or the warring animal." he concluded to the herd of deer and buffalo.
    All the animals gaped in confusion and shock.
    "Why would it be the warring animal when they brought the suffering and death of The Blessed Ones, Migl?" one of them questioned.
    "The answer is quite simple, Hortis. The beings brought the death to The Blessed Ones, so they shall revive the peaceful and friendly times that they have destroyed," the former leader said.
    Just then, a trio of teenagers had appeared a nineteen year old named Jessica Thawes, an eighteen year old named Carlos Wasnabi, and another eighteen year old named Roran Witiski.
     "Look! It looks like they can communicate with each other." Roran Witiski whispered.
    The animals were frozen in fear. Too startled to run, too frightened to make any movement of a sort. So they did what they weren't afraid to do: stare back. After what seemed like a year, Auro neighed,” Do you think they are here to kill us?"
    A horse shouted,” Don’t take any chances. Run!"
    At that word, the animals seemed to be brought back to life. They ran into private channels that none except animals knew about. Only one was left standing in the clearing. He was pushing one colored object to the unmoving teenagers, who were paralyzed as if they were listening to somebody speak. In fact, they were. 
    "I-i-i think I heard them speak," said Carlos, cautious as usual.
    "Me, too." Jessica and Roran spoke at the same time, nodding in agreement.
                        By this time, Migl had reached the teenagers and began to speak in his soothing voice," You three are the chosen ones. You should find the remaining two eggs and hatch them also. You shall hatch these eggs to return the world to its peaceful, happy life. How you must and what will hatch out I cannot tell. Farewell for now, good luck, and I hope our paths cross once more.”
            At that, he trotted away into the depths of the forest. Roran picked up the scarlet, luminous egg. He took care of a farm and knew how to take care of animals.
            “I’ll take it home and feed it,” he had offered.
            Though the other two knew he would probably be the best choice, they also wanted to grow it themselves.
            “It isn’t fair that you always get to take care of things!” Jessica and Carlos complained back.
            “That deer said there are two more eggs like these. Once I hatch this egg and learn what to feed it, we’ll find your eggs and I’ll tell you what to feed it etc.”
            This made sense because he was the most experienced would probably learn how to take care. They finally agreed and left home, wondering what would happen to the egg.    
*                                                                        *                                                         * 
The Hatching, May 5
                Jessica and Carlos were getting restless. Roran was taking much longer than they had expected. After meeting at Jessica’s house, they decided to go talk to Roran.
            The farm was neat and clean, as usual. But Roran wasn’t outside. They knocked on the door.
            “Come in,” Roran’s voice said.
            They stepped in. Roran’s ear was against a soft, small blanket that kept the egg warm.
            “What’s taking you so long? We expected you to hatch it in two or three days, but now more than three weeks have finished and no progress at all!!” Jessica almost growled at him,” This thing better be hatched by the tomorrow, OR ELSE!!”
            All of a sudden, a cracking sound filled the air.
            A tiny head peeped out of the egg.
            It looked at Roran with big eyes and said,
            “Papa? Papaaa!!”
            They all started laughing.
            Roran went into the backyard and pulled out a worm.
            The little bird almost jumped up to eat it. He brought the worm down and let it nibble it. The bird stopped right at his finger.
It gave a tiny burp.
Everyone could see it was totally helpless. It had no feathers, and it was only the size of his thumb. The only way to tell he was a bird was his short, blunt beak.
“Okay, let’s go now and search for those other eggs!” squeaked Jessica, who had just become more anxious to search for them.
Roran got out a notebook.
“One sec.” he said.
On his notebook, there was some writing. It said:

Key to take care of egg:
·       Keep Warm
·       Pay a lot of attention to it
·       When free, keep ear to it to try to hear any sign of hatching
·       Look for small cracks
·       Keep on flat ground

Key to take care of whatever hatches from it (he now erased ‘whatever’ and put ‘bird that’)
·       Likes worms
·       Make sure when it hatches it sees you first so it will think you are its parent and like you more :)

Key to finding other eggs:
·       Look for luminous objects
·       Make you feel good
“Let’s get moving!” he exclaimed finally, after folding the paper into his pocket.
They set for the leafy forest ahead of them with whatever they needed: 5 sandwiches (for if they became hungry), Water (if they were thirsty, which was likely in that hot and humid air), 3 Flashlights (if they stayed late in the forest, which they were determined to do if they couldn’t find the eggs by sunset), the little bird (he was too little to stay in the farm alone) and a load of worms.

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