Friday, March 25, 2011

Should Mothers Work?

When, for the umpteenth time, you are being scolded by your mom, don’t you wonder if it would be more pleasurable for her to be engrossed in some job so that she is occupied all day and can’t yell at you? Don’t be so heartless-it can teach your mother invaluable things that may aid her in life, but it will cause problems, and you know it. Imagine a life of your mother working full time on her job, and the first feeling you get is…
                Freedom. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, and your parents would never know. Whether you almost fail in your English Exam, or play video games non-stop and your parents would be under the illusion that you are an innocent young child who does everything on time and passes with flying colors. Don’t get too happy though. Even if you are awarded a gold medal or are congratulated in front of the whole class, your parents still wouldn’t know because you probably are in deep slumber when they arrive when the moon is shining with all its might and stars that the sky is peppered with are twinkling with vain efforts to shine brighter than the moon.
                Your mom can jump out of the mousetrap, break open the barriers, leap out of the window into the endless open that allows her to take opportunities that were restricted to her when she didn’t have a job. They can stroll around or do some stress-busting exercises at the local gym. If they are interested in a certain subject, they should have enough freedom and liberty to undertake training for the job and acquire it with pride glowing inside of them.
                What would really help your mother, however, is to have the honor of holding the title “financially independent.” Most people have no clue about what “financially independent” means, even after they rack their brain, to see if the meaning lurked in any single neuron in their mind. I admit, I too had no clue about what it meant before I visited Wikipedia. It is a word “generally used to describe the state of having sufficient personal wealth to live indefinitely without having to work actively for basic necessities.” In simple words, any individual whose income is stable and is greater than what expenses are paid by them monthly.
                There have been many disputes about the next point, if it’s false rather than true, whether if it is reasonable or not. The point is: Children learn to be responsible. It depends on the child’s personality. If it is a child who pays extra attention to studies and academics, they will learn responsibility. However, if it is a child who is searching every dark corner for a chance to be home alone and enjoy, the outcome would be different. They would spring at the chance, and when their unknowing parents vanished from sight, the party begins.
 Is your mother struggling to keep up with the society because she has different interests which are undermined by everyone else? When your mother has a job, she will not only be taught teamwork and coordination, but will also meet others who think the same way and have the same hobbies. Before you know it, the dark loneliness that once enveloped your mother would have a crack that lets in some light, that grows into a huge hole and allows her to step out into the light, the beautiful social life.
Many people know about time management and its importance. If you type in time management in Google, you’ll get around 217,000,000 results. However, no one knows time management and its utilization better than workers themselves. Baffled? Don’t be. Rushing to finish a project by its deadline teaches people to be punctual with their work. Almost everyone knows of the saying, “Failure is the stepping stone of success.” Every time people do not finish their work on time, they plan out a different schedule until they hit upon the one that is perfect for them and their needs.
When caring parents spend very little time with their beloved children, they want to make the best out of these brief periods of time. They learn to value every second that they spend with their children and teach them tactics that will help them in life.
And the second thing that pops into your mind is…
Your mother is sitting on her bed with a sorrow inside her body that threatens to creep up through each vein and dominate over her body. This is only because she believes she doesn’t have enough time to spend with you. She feels GUILTY, or has guilt trips. She tries giving you money to keep you content, but feels that hollowness in her heart as if giving an allowance isn’t enough.
Travelling parents can leave you at home for a long time, leaving you alone except for your maid, who is bustling about the house all day, and maybe a pet who only wants you to play with him. Before long, you’ll want to see your parents’ bright faces as they enter the house, their caring hands when you are sick, and, though most people don’t believe it, their scolding.
Working mothers are often plagued by fatigue, and whenever you see them, have dark circles beneath their eyes. At any free time, they tend to snooze for an hour or so, even if it’s a hot afternoon. This is common about working mothers who have a busy schedule.
Have you ever felt like your head is going to burst from the effort of doing work at home and exams at school? You have no idea. Working mothers have to take care of you, your house, and her job. This stress causes them headaches and tension.
You can almost see the glowing red devil on your left shoulder, whispering to you that you should persuade your mom to get a job so you can play and have fun all day long. Just as you were taken into dreams of playing the full day and were overcome by the devil, there was a POOF! from your right shoulder, and there it was, a shining white angel. It whispered to you the sorrow and tension your mother would go through. The devil rejected the statement and came up with one of its own. The two were still quarrelling when you decided to lie down on your bed.
Let Mom do what pleases her most, you think.

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