Friday, March 25, 2011

The Kidnap Animals

Here are details of a few animals found in the kataki:

Anurobi- Looks like normal white tailed deer, only it has four eyes that can look at different directions at once, two tails, six legs, and stripes. They eat the few shrubs that grow in the waste lands, and sometimes garbage, and are herbivores. Shy towards strangers, usually friendly and not violent. Their antlers do not fall off and grow continuously at the same rate throughout their life. The size and magnificence of the antlers determine the best male. During mating season, males not only fight with antlers for a mate, but even kick and bite. Males only fight if their antler size matches. Losing male has to run away from group of anurobii. Often not seen by strangers if they make a lot of noise. Four eyes have separate attachment to a relatively small brain. Four stomachs, like a cow, are present. Can survive without food for around one and a half month. Have a slightly thinner version of blubber to help survive the severe frosts at winter in the kataki. In summer they are a reddish brown; in winter they are a pure white in order to escape the eyes of hungry Perdones. When these animals attack, however, the injuries are fatal can cause a permanent cripple.
Perdones- Monkey like animals that have three eyes (in triangular formation), acute sense of hearing, elongated venomous fangs that poke out of its mouth when the mouth is closed, as well as extremely sharp claws that can rip through even the tough hide of anurobii. Usually very aggressive, especially if you cross their territory. They are carnivores, commonly eating anurobii or buna(see next)Their venom can kill a man in a few minutes, and no treatment has been made for this venom. They are curious of surroundings and of strangers, but will attack if someone makes a sudden movement towards it. They live on the outskirts if the wastelands, in the trees, but males banished from their pack wander in the wastelands. There are no fights for mates, but race competitions to determine who is the most agile, and therefore best, of the lot. Organ system extremely complex. There is a venom gland directly above the upper canines and incisors. A bite from the lower jaw would not poison, but would badly infect the wound. Slightly larger brain as compared to the humans. Three stomachs are present, providing that there is barely any food in the kataki so as much nutrition as possible should be extracted from it. Banished males usually scavenge through garbage and can digest some inedible items such as plastics, weak metals.
Buna- Greatly resembles a rabbit on the exterior. It’s main difference are that its ears are about half an inch shorter than an average rabbit. Golden eyes and very curious. Will not attack strangers till provoked. Has an extremely efficient hearing system and is shy of most animals.  They live in the forests on the western side of the wasteland. Omnivorous; sometimes preys on Kacchua  or Ponglwe, but usually on tropical grass. There is perfect gender ratio of 1:1, but if two males prefer the same female, they showcase a collection of flowers, rocks, and other eccentric objects. Whoever’s collection the female prefers, she will mate with the owner of it. The grass is very nutritious. No members are banished, and they have an alert system similar to that of the prairie dogs.

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